Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Minnesota Governer Proclaims April as Cesarean Awareness Month

Yes - the state of Minnesota has an official proclamation with a seal that reads at the end:

"Now, therefore, I, Tim Pawlenty, Governer of Minnesota, do hereby proclaim the month of April 2010 as:
in the state of Minnesota."
How wonderful for us to have some official recognition.
In the proclamation it notes that Minnesota has a 25% cesarean rate which is indeed major abdominal surgery, and that the World Health Organization recommends a cesarean rate of 15% or lower.
It also lists some of the complications that can arise from a cesarean section.
The proclamation also states that while cesareans can be life-saving in some circumstances, the women of Minnesota should have "full and complete information on the risks and benefits of vaginal birth and cesarean section in order to make informed choices about their health care."

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