Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 Birth Honor Roll

We honor the following women among us who have bravely labored and delivered this past year! These births include VBACs in the hospital and at home, cesareans, vaginal births, and even an unplanned home birth. Go mamas ~ welcome, babies!

Susan Lundquist, Laura & Beatrice, 12/27/07
Lisa Haugen, Oscar Sidney, 1/8/08
Jennifer Bluhm, Charlotte Mae, 3/1/08
Christy Balfanz-Rice, Kovyn Pauline, 3/11/08
Laura Leventhal, Samuel Sky, 4/25/08
Megan Gaffey, Moira Jules, 5/25/08
Sarah Shannon, Luke Alexander, 5/26/08
Lija Greenseid, Adam, 6/16/08
Nicole Shroeder, Logan Michael, 7/9/08
Amy Anderson, Violette Theresa, 7/20/08
Amy Hartman, Shiloh Grace, 8/7/08
Meg Repede, Collin Michael, 8/30/08
Jenelle Kaempf Davis, Anna Margarete, 8/31
Tasya Kelen, Tessie Rose, 9/23/08
Amy Weiss, Ellie, 11/10/08
Ann Clark, Grace Kathryn, 11/28/08

We also eagerly await the babies due to these mamas in late 2008 & 2009:

Megan Salmela, due 11/30/08
Laura Meerson, due 12/26/08
Jessie Bridgeford, 1/26/09
Lori King, due 2/09
Karri Bergren, due 3/09
Marla Cain, due 3/30/09
Ann Kirchner, due 4/09
Jessica Frantz, due 5/17/09
Wendi Frick, due 6/16/09

We are always looking for more birth stories of all kinds for our website to share with and inspire others. Email your birth story to us!

Well done!

Five years ago, a friend who visited me not long after my first son was born told me, "Well done, Sarah!" It meant a lot to me at the time, especially because I was struggling with the trauma and disappointment of my cesarean section. I now make a point of saying the same to all of the new mamas I know: Well done!

I've been thinking about all that has happened in 2008. Personally, it was a triumphant year for me, having given birth to my second son by HBAC (home birth after cesarean) on Memorial Day. As a chapter, we have also accomplished much to be proud of. Below is a review of our chapter's highlights this year. To all of us, I say, "Well done!"

It's been a great year...and there's much more to come in 2009!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Registration open for Real Women. Real Lives!

The International Cesarean Awareness Network's 2009 Conference is now open for registration! World class speakers include Sarah Buckley, Pam England, and Declercq. Registration is $219 early bird before February 1st. We'll be there....will you???