Monday, November 22, 2010

Your Feedback Requested! Potential New Quality Measures for Maternity Care in MN

We recently received the email below asking for public comment on potential new quality measures for maternity care in Minnesota. Please read and send in your feedback to!


I have been working with a group of physicians and other health care experts to develop clinical quality measures around maternity care.  But I need some feedback from people who are pregnant, who have been pregnant, or know someone who is pregnant!  Will you think about your/her experience and let me know what you would like to know about a doctor or doctor’s office?

We’re considering reporting:

  • The percent of a doctor’s office births that are c-sections to low-risk, first time mothers
  • The percent of times a doctor’s office induces a pregnant woman (without a medical reason) before 39 weeks
  • The number of deliveries per year by a doctor or doctor’s office
  • Whether or not a doctor’s office offers vaginal birth after deliveries (or VBAC)

We’re also considering other measures around maternity care for additional reporting.  Would you be interested in:

  • Prenatal care topics like education, tobacco cessation, screenings, etc.?
  • Postnatal care topics like breastfeeding, postpartum depression, etc.? 
  • Other procedures at the time of birth like injuries or tearing?

It really helps to hear about what people would find helpful.  I know what I would consider valuable information, but others might have different ideas.  Please forward this message to your colleagues and friends if you can think of people who are interested in maternity care quality.

I would love feedback before the end of November so I can share your thoughts (anonymous of course) with the doctors and experts on the workgroup.  The topics they end up recommending could become state-wide measures for all of Minnesota.

Thank you!

Brenda Paul
State Quality Measurement Program Development Project Manager
MN Community Measurement
3433 Broadway Street NE  # 455
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Sunday, November 21, 2010