The month of April is Cesarean awareness month here in the United States. ICAN Twin Cities thought this would be a great month to spread ICAN awareness! We have received some awesome submissions of birth stories, pictures, and are looking forward to sharing these plus other ICAN resources with you each day during the month of April!
For day one, we are sharing some important information on cesarean statistics in Minnesota. We are also listing some helpful links on where you can find more information about local birthing options,
VBAC and Cesarean Resources
Web Sites
- ICAN’s “White Papers” are evidence-based resources on cesarean and
VBAC related topics.
- A research based website on all things VBAC. Very comprehensive resource.
- Cesarean rates by state.
- (formerly )Research oriented, evidence-basedbirth information and the Maternity Center Association booklet: “What Every Pregnant WomanNeeds to Know About Cesarean Section.” This is an excellent resource to share with your doctoror midwife. We HIGHLY recommend this booklet!
- “Kmom’s” wonderful site for women of all shapes and sizes. Checkout the FAQ’s on cesarean and VBAC, including information on VBAC after 2 or more cesareans.
- “A woman-centered, evidence based resource…”
- An Australian site dedicated to Cesarean issues, including VBAC
- Wonderful site for homebirth information, including home VBAC
- Information packed site on birth
- The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) website. Checkout the free documents and downloads section.
Reading Material
- Read Marsden Wagner’s “Choosing Cesarean Section” (2000) It’s a long but excellent breakdownof why “patient choice” cesarean is no choice at all.
- “Silent Knife” by Lois Estner and Nancy Cohen and “Open Season” by Nancy Wainer-Cohen
- “Journey Into Motherhood- Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth” by Sherri Minelli
- “The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth” and “Obstetric Myths VS. Research Realities” by Henci Goer.
- “Birth As An American Rite of Passage” by Robbie Davis-Floyd. (An eye opening look at our culture’s impact on birth practice in this country).
- “The VBAC Companion” by Diana Korte (A good book for the basics on attempting VBAC).
- “The Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Experience” by Lyn Baptisti Richards (a little hard to find but worth it).
- “Birth Your Way” by Sheila Kitzinger
- “Immaculate Deception II- Myth, Magic and Birth” by Suzanne Arms
There are many more wonderful web sites, books, articles and research out there
Finally, the ebook listed below gives an excellent overview of birthing options both inside and outside the hospitals in the Twin Cities.
*Please note that some of the information is outdated because Hudson hospital does do VBAC again and Allina is offering waterbirth, though it is unavailable to VBAC moms. There is currently no hospital in the Twin Cities that allow VBAC waterbirths but many allow laboring in the water.