Thursday, April 30, 2015

30 Days of ICAN: Day 30

Phew!!! #CAM2015 has flown by and we hope you have appreciated the stories, pictures, and resources that ICAN Twin Cities passed along over the last month. Today, for the last day of #CAM2015 we are passing along more information on how to get connected to ICAN Twin Cities. 

First, if you haven't already, like our Facebook page:

If you are a mama in need of private, mom to mom support, please consider joining our closed Facebook group. We have a very busy group with lots of chatter and welcome any mama's in need of support. If you would like to post a question anonymously, please contact and admin.

Please consider coming to one of our monthly meetings as well!

Free monthly meetings for support and education are held the
Second Monday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm
Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
1720 E Minnehaha Pkwy, Minneapolis
Meetings are free and do not require membership. We generally have childcare available at our Minneapolis meeting for older children with a suggested donation of $5. RSVP is requested for childcare only. Babes-in-arms are welcome in the meeting space.As a general rule, our meetings are reserved for women who have experienced a cesarean or hope to prevent one. However, we regularly have meetings designed to include spouses and partners, and will note it on our website.
We cancel meetings due in inclement weather whenever Minneapolis public schools are canceled. Subscribe to our email list to stay up-to-date on meeting information.
May 11, 2015-Meet the Providers
We will be having providers including OB's, hospital, birthcenter, and homebirth practices at our meeting this May. Please consider coming! 
**We are asking that only mom's seeking providers and 1 birth support partner (husband, partner, doula ect.) attend because of limited space.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*Senang bisa membaca informasi tentang Berbagai Macam Universitas ini,
sangat membantu saya dan keluarga saya dalam mencari universitas, sekolah, dan konsultan terbaik di negri ini.. :) btw baca juga ya review aku tentang : ICAN Education Consultant, Konsultan Pendidikan Luar Negeri, Sekolah di Luar Negeri, Kuliah di Luar Negeri, Universitas di Luar Negeri, Studi ke Luar Negeri